Thursday, August 31, 2017

Our Journey... Part 11, What in the heck is a Doula?!

We've officially hit 37 weeks!

I honestly can't believe it is here already!  This pregnancy has honestly gone
so incredibly fast!  I feel so lucky to have been able to have such a great support team
behind me this entire pregnancy to help everything go so smoothly so far!  This team includes Kari Beadner; our FertilityCare Practitioner,  Dr. Pakiz; our NaPro Technology Physician and first OB,  the entire staff at Pope Paul IV Institute in Omaha, and Dr. Moeller; our OB in Orange City.  They have all done such an amazing job from charting help, to surgery, recovery, thyroid monitoring, hormone monitoring, and amazing prenatal care!  All of those things have gotten us to this point and I truly can't express how grateful we are to have been able to work with all these amazing people!

So what is the next step?  Well here we are at 37 weeks and learning yet more patience on my part!
I have been doing a lot of reading and self reflection over the last trimester regarding what I am hopeful to have happen with this birth.  From the beginning I have hoped to be able to have a "natural birth".  Now this means something different to everyone, and it also isn't what everyone wants... honestly no judgement here whatsoever!  Each woman should make decisions based on what is right for her and her family at that time.  And I do fully understand that what I want may not be possible, but I also know that the more I prepare myself for what I want, the more likely I will be able to achieve it.  One of the first decisions that we made was to hire a Doula.  It shocked me that so many people are not aware of what this is!!!  Seriously?!  I absolutely knew from the moment I was pregnant that there was NO WAY we were going to do this without one!  Lucky for us, our FertilityCare Practitioner (that we have gotten to know incredibly well over the last year) is a Doula!  I can't even begin to describe how much of a relief it was to know that we would have someone there to support us, but most of all to support my husband!!!

Ok, ok, so what the heck is this Doula thing she is talking about???!  
A Doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during, and after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, best experience possible.

Now this is a very broad definition, but let me breakdown a few things for you that made us decide this was what we needed!  You know how you researched and worked hard to decide on the best Dr. to deliver your child?  Well that Dr. is only with you in your labor sporadically as they are likely also seeing many other patients as well.  They also are extremely important, obviously, for the birth and to make sure that you and baby are safe throughout the labor, but as for support in your labor... they aren't going to be there for that.  Those OB nurses... yep, they aren't there the whole time either.  And if you are in the boat we are in, being our first child, your significant other may not be able to give you the support that you need.  Think of it this way... You do not want pain medication during your labor (for whatever reason you have), but when you are in pain and your significant other feels as though they are not able to help you in managing your pain, what will they want you to do to get relief?   The moment that the nurse gives you the option, they are likely to be on board.  Your significant other wants to take away your pain, and seeing you in that situation may be very difficult for them.  This is the NUMBER ONE reason that we decided a Doula was for us.  

We knew that we needed help managing my pain without medication and that we, very likely, weren't going to have enough information at our disposal to do it on our own!  Our Doula is there to support me, but moreover she is there to support my hubby!  I don't want to hold her hand, but I do want to hold his, but I also want him to be able to stay calm and understand what is going on at each stage so that he can feel in control as well.  A Doula has pain management techniques at her disposal and understands when each may be beneficial.  They also help you to understand some of the interventions that might be necessary and when they ARE actually necessary.  Often, things are not explained well to moms and dads in labor, so you often hear women say that they accepted interventions but later realized they didn't need to do it and regret it.  If something goes wrong and there is an emergency, your Doula is NOT going to stop that from happening, but she will educate you and explain what needs to happen so that you are all understanding.  I understand that birth may not go "as planned", but having someone by our side the ENTIRE TIME to help you through it was what we knew we needed!

I also know that I needed someone to help keep me mentally prepared for what was happening.  I know that I live in my head too much and if I start to panic, the hubs will panic, and then we are definitely SOL ;)  I need the emotional support more than anything.  I needed to hear that what I am feeling is normal and that I can do it!  I know for a fact that pain medications and my body don't mix well.  I have had plenty of times where I have had reactions to pain medications (kidney stones...  that was a bad situation that lead to one very sick and delirious girl with many more meds to control the reactions to the pain meds...) and I do not want to have that happen during my labor.  Honestly, that fear is bigger for me than birth.  The other fear that I have is an epidural...  Seriously gives me the sweats just thinking about it...  AGAIN, for those of you that choose those options, no judgement... for me, they are a huge fear...  I hope to avoid them if at all possible.  Another reason to hire a Doula. 

Studies have shown the effects of having a Doula present for your birth include: 
  • shorter labors with fewer complications 
  • reduced rates of intervention and augmentation, including the use of forceps, pitocin, epidural, and Cesarean-section 
  • more satisfaction with partners and the birth experience 
  • less postpartum anxiety and depression 
  • better breastfeeding outcomes 
  • reduced cost of obstetric care 

We wanted to have options when it comes to pain management during labor.
We wanted a "coach".
We wanted a cheerleader.
We wanted HELP!
I said that I would rather hire one and not need her than to not and 
regret it because I was not able to achieve the birth that I was hoping for!

Our Doula is certified by Childbirth International and also has a special certificate in Spinning Babies (which is a program that works to achieve optimal fetal positioning to ease pregnancy and birth).
 If you are pregnant and/or just want more information on hiring Kari, go to

I honestly can say that I am ready!  At least me personally, I am ready.  I feel mentally prepared and excited to meet our little miss!  We officially narrowed down our name list from 30 to 4!  That is HUGE for us since we have such different tastes in names!  We were so blessed to have some great friends throw our little girl a shower and even more blessed by all the gifts that we received that will help us prepare our house for a new little human!  Cloth diapers are all washed and ready to go.  Got a few meals in the freezer.  Got my bag packed for the hospital.  Got the carseat all ready to go.  Now we just have to get the remodel on our house done!  EEEK!  Nothing like starting a remodel of every bedroom in your house and one bathroom when you are 4 weeks from due date!  I guess that is just how we roll!  Honestly it is actually a relief that I don't have to worry about getting a nursery ready when I know we won't be needing one for awhile.  My new mantra when it comes to the house is "it is what it is".   I am sure it will be awesome when it is done!  

Well I am off to go back to "patiently" waiting to meet little miss!  
The next post for you all will hopefully have our new bundle of joy!!!  
I am so excited to share her with all of you that have shared in our journey thus far!